
2021年10月1日—被切分的page稱為inner,用來記錄page位置的page稱為outer,由於多了一張pagetable,因此總體的entry數是增加的,但由於inner被切割,便容易在記憶 ...,2023年9月1日—Nowpagetablesize=220*24=3MBwhichshouldbeinthephysicalmemoryandsinceeachprocesshasitsownpagetablethereissomuchmemory ...,2024年3月27日—Thesizeoftheouterpagetableisthesameasthesizeoftheframe(4KB).·Asaresult,theouterpagetablemaybe...

【作業系統】Memory Management Part 3

2021年10月1日 — 被切分的page 稱為inner,用來記錄page 位置的page 稱為outer,由於多了一張page table,因此總體的entry 數是增加的,但由於inner 被切割,便容易在記憶 ...

Multilevel Paging in Operating System

2023年9月1日 — Now page table size =220 * 24 = 3MB which should be in the physical memory and since each process has its own page table there is so much memory ...

Multilevel Paging in Operating System

2024年3月27日 — The size of the outer page table is the same as the size of the frame (4 KB). · As a result, the outer page table may be stored in a single frame ...

What does it mean " The outer level page table need not be ...

2019年1月27日 — Having different subtable sizes for different levels of a multilevel page table just means that a different number of bits from the virtual ...

memory management

2013年5月1日 — Since each entry into this page table has an address of size 4 bytes, then we have 2^20*4 = 4MB. So the page table takes up 4MB in memory. Share.


A computer system has a 36-bit virtual address space with a page size of 8K, and 4 bytes per page table entry. ... //size of the outer page table, //total size of ...

作業系統CH8 Memory Management

physical mem size = 512B 代表seg offset 為9 bits · page size = 32 B 代表page offset 為5 bits · 8 個segments linear address 前3 bits 是segment table 的index

Calculating size of outer2nd

2015年11月9日 — 1 Answer 1 ... The outer page table, the first PTI, has 1024 entries. 10 bits are needed to represent 1024 different states because 2^10 = 1024 ...

Two Level Paging and Multi Level Paging in OS

2023年5月17日 — ... pages. So, the size of the Outer Page Table = 2(10) * 4B = 4KB. Thus here our Outer Page Table (Page Table 2) can be stored in one frame.